What is Thermo-Regulating Apparel?

OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel is a brand new base layer clothing that will change the clothing industry forever. The clothing contains three separate technologies that make it greater than any other piece of clothing available on the market today: Heat Management, Odor Management, and Sweat Management. Check out our website if you want learn more...

Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas

We here at OEL Worldwide hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I know that I was left feeling a little bit disappointed by the end of the weekend (the Broncos lose, followed up by another Charger victory)... but the turkey was good and the time spent among family and friends was even better.  I don't know how many people here participated in Black Friday shopping... but I can proudly say that I was one of the thousands of Americans up at 4 o'clock in the morning, clawing my way through Walmart, bargain hunting like there was no tomorrow.  I also know that there is one thing on my Christmas list that could not be found in any retail store... that's right, you guessed it... OEL Structure Wear

We think that Structure Wear is the perfect gift for anybody on your Christmas list this holiday season.  Whether you are looking for a gift for somebody that is a skier, a hunter, a hiker, or just your run of the mill recreational sports player... OEL Structure Wear is the ultimate gift for you.  Structure Wear clothing will keep you warm as you hike up in those cool Colorado mountain ranges, it will keep you odorless as you spend time hunting down a mountain lion in the wilderness, and it will keep you dry as you play basketball with your friends on the weekend.

Do you want to be a hero this Christmas?  Then check out our website today, and find out why OEL Structure Wear is the hottest item on the market this holiday season.


  1. This is the greatest blog in the History or Mankind!

  2. How does this stuff compare to something like Under Armour or Columbia???

    Please respond

  3. There is one key difference between our base layer clothing line, and the other base layer clothing lines that you mentioned... Proactive vs. Reactive materials. Under Armour contains reactive technologies that work to "wick" the moisture off your body once you begin to sweat. This does help to keep you dry and more comfortable, but it only provides your body with minuscule temperature increases or decreases.
    OEL Structure Wear also contains these wicking agents that pull sweat off of your body and help to keep you dry, but the difference is that our clothing also contains proactive heat management materials. The technology built in to our clothing actively manages your bodies temperature, and is constantly changing to help warm you up or cool you down based the amount of heat that your body is producing. Our clothing does not react to your bodies changing temperature over time; instead, it proactively works to keep your bodies temperature at a more constant rate from the moment that you put it on.

  4. Simple- Proactive vs Reactive

    -Structure Wear begins working the minute it touches your skin creating a micro-climate that constantly adjust to your body's core temperature (it's NASA technology). This is a "PROACTIVE" material.

    -Under Armour and Columbia are reactive materials. Your body has to get cold before it begins to warm you back up... Make sense?? Therefore it is "REACTIVE"

    Basically what OEL is doing is eliminating the uncomfortable state by keeping your body temperature from spiking in one direction or the other.

    Hope this helps

  5. Right on Michael! I couldn't have said it any better myself... In fact, I tried, and then I failed miserably... Hopefully you have a better understanding now needycustomer?

  6. Where can I buy this stuff? I need to get some new hunting supplies... I live in the Rockies and let me tell you a little something about cold... So cold I can bare pull my bow back before my fingers snap from the cold... steadying is almost impossible because I'm shivering so much... Yikes!

  7. Feel free to give us a call anytime between 7:00am and 5:00pm Monday through Friday, and we will get you hooked up! Our toll free number is 1-800-818-2244.
