What is Thermo-Regulating Apparel?

OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel is a brand new base layer clothing that will change the clothing industry forever. The clothing contains three separate technologies that make it greater than any other piece of clothing available on the market today: Heat Management, Odor Management, and Sweat Management. Check out our website if you want learn more...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Having Trouble Getting Enough Sleep?

Getting a decent amount of sleep (7.5 to 9 hours) is one of the most beneficial things you can do to keep your body and mind in top shape.  The problem is that saying you need to get more sleep is a whole lot easier than actually falling asleep on time, and then waking up at a decent time each and every morning.  There are some lucky individuals out there who can just lay down on their bed and be out before even thinking about it, while the rest of us are left tossing and turning trying to get comfortable.  I know one problem I have is that I spend some nights shivering underneath my covers, while other nights I'm left feeling hot even without a blanket.

Another great thing that I have discovered about Structure Wear, is that the heat management technology can help me to stay more comfortable as I try to fall asleep.  It doesn't really matter if it's too hot or too cold in my room, because when I wear my Structure Wear it is proactively working to help keep my body at a more constant, comfortable temperature.  Another benefit is that the actual shirt itself feels extremely soft.  We use cotton as the base, and then infuse the heat management technology into the cotton fibers, which leaves the shirt feeling loose and comfortable on your body.  You won't feel claustrophobic or itchy (like you feel when you wear those other skin tight, base layer clothing lines).  So, if you are like me, and you find yourself tossing and turning every night because you just can't get comfortable... order your Structure Wear today, and finally realize what it's like to get a decent nights sleep!

Check out our website, or feel free to give us a call to learn more!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

How This Stuff Works

To all of our Structure Wear Enthusiasts,
    I know that I have spent a lot of time over the last couple of weeks talking about the many different advantages that one can gain from wearing our Structure Wear clothing line.  I also know that to anybody out there viewing this blog, you might be thinking to yourself something along of the lines of, "Oh come on... I'm sure the clothing isn't that awesome/innovative/ground breaking."  Well, I'm here today to prove you naysayers wrong... I don't want to get all technical on the blog here, but I will provide a couple of links to the pages on our website that discuss the technology behind Structure Wear.

Take a look right now, and find out for yourself why OEL Structure Wear will change the clothing industry forever.

OEL Structure Wear... The technology that guides greatness!

How do phase change materials really work?



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

To All You Ski-Bums

So, as everybody who has read at least one of these blog posts already knows... OEL Structure Wear is a state-of-the-art base layer clothing designed to help regulate your body temperature to keep you not too hot, not too cold, but just right.  I chose the title of this post because you all might also know that our company is located right here in the Rocky Mountains, where skiing and snowboarding is more a way of life than it is just a hobby.

We believe that our clothing is perfect for any day out on the slopes.  I think everyone here who has spent time skiing or snowboarding knows that once you reach the bottom of the mountain, you are usually feeling fairly warm and toasty (I know that I'm usually sweating profusely, and I guess that I could just be out of shape, but that's beside the point).  Feeling too warm is usually not a problem while you're up in that freezing cold rocky mountain air, but things certainly do change rather quickly as you hop on the lift to take your next run.  You can go from nice and warm... to not nice and freezing cold in a very short period of time.  The great thing about Structure Wear is that it will work to pull that extra heat off your body as your ride down the mountain (keeping you cooler and more comfortable), and then it will release that heat to help you stay warmer as you sit on the lift to head back up.

So to all you ski-bums out there... Make sure that the next time to you find yourself packing your car up with all of you ski and snowboard gear, that you leave yourself just a little bit of extra space for a pair of Structure Wear t-shirts and pants.  Give us a call today, so that we can set you up for your next ski or snowboard trip.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hunting Down a Mountain Lion

Dear Structure Wear Enthusiasts,

As some of you may already know, mountain lion hunting season began here in Colorado a little over a week ago, on November 22nd.  Now, I'm definitely not all that into the hunting scene, but I know that lots of people in the state of Colorado spend a decent amount of time out in the wilderness hunting big game, and I absolutely respect that.  Ultimately, I hope you big game hunters go out and get your mountain lion this year, and leave those high mountain trails a little bit safer for everyone who enjoys the occasional hike.

That's why I'm here to tell all of you that Structure Wear will not only help to keep your body at a constant, more comfortable temperature, but it will also work to help keep your body virtually odor free.  Structure Wear clothing contains anti-microbial technologies that are constantly working to fight back against odor causing bacteria.  Basically, when you wear our clothing... you will be so comfortable, and so free of odor, that the mountain lion you are tracking down will be complaining that this is no longer a fair fight.

So get your OEL Structure Wear today, and help increase your chances of bringing down that mountain lion you have been chasing for the last couple of years... and as always, take a look at our website for more information.

Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas

We here at OEL Worldwide hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I know that I was left feeling a little bit disappointed by the end of the weekend (the Broncos lose, followed up by another Charger victory)... but the turkey was good and the time spent among family and friends was even better.  I don't know how many people here participated in Black Friday shopping... but I can proudly say that I was one of the thousands of Americans up at 4 o'clock in the morning, clawing my way through Walmart, bargain hunting like there was no tomorrow.  I also know that there is one thing on my Christmas list that could not be found in any retail store... that's right, you guessed it... OEL Structure Wear

We think that Structure Wear is the perfect gift for anybody on your Christmas list this holiday season.  Whether you are looking for a gift for somebody that is a skier, a hunter, a hiker, or just your run of the mill recreational sports player... OEL Structure Wear is the ultimate gift for you.  Structure Wear clothing will keep you warm as you hike up in those cool Colorado mountain ranges, it will keep you odorless as you spend time hunting down a mountain lion in the wilderness, and it will keep you dry as you play basketball with your friends on the weekend.

Do you want to be a hero this Christmas?  Then check out our website today, and find out why OEL Structure Wear is the hottest item on the market this holiday season.