What is Thermo-Regulating Apparel?

OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel is a brand new base layer clothing that will change the clothing industry forever. The clothing contains three separate technologies that make it greater than any other piece of clothing available on the market today: Heat Management, Odor Management, and Sweat Management. Check out our website if you want learn more...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

How This Stuff Works

To all of our Structure Wear Enthusiasts,
    I know that I have spent a lot of time over the last couple of weeks talking about the many different advantages that one can gain from wearing our Structure Wear clothing line.  I also know that to anybody out there viewing this blog, you might be thinking to yourself something along of the lines of, "Oh come on... I'm sure the clothing isn't that awesome/innovative/ground breaking."  Well, I'm here today to prove you naysayers wrong... I don't want to get all technical on the blog here, but I will provide a couple of links to the pages on our website that discuss the technology behind Structure Wear.

Take a look right now, and find out for yourself why OEL Structure Wear will change the clothing industry forever.

OEL Structure Wear... The technology that guides greatness!

How do phase change materials really work?



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