What is Thermo-Regulating Apparel?

OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel is a brand new base layer clothing that will change the clothing industry forever. The clothing contains three separate technologies that make it greater than any other piece of clothing available on the market today: Heat Management, Odor Management, and Sweat Management. Check out our website if you want learn more...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Thermo-Regulating Revolution


Today I just wanted to spend a little bit of time reiterating all of the different things that make Thermo-Regulating Apparel a game changer in the current clothing market... Check out the list below to find out why TR Apparel is more than just new technology... it is a revolution.

  1. Heat, Odor, and Moisture Management - Some of our competitors in the clothing industry like to believe that having one of these three technologies is adequate enough for their clothing... Well, here at OEL, we decided that one just isn't enough, and that is why TR Apparel has all three!
  2. Proactive vs. Reactive - Most heat management clothing currently available in the market today is based around reactive technologies.  In other words, the effects of the clothing only can be felt after you have become too hot or too cold.  TR Apparel is designed with proactive heat management technologies, which means that the clothing is constantly working to keep your body at a more constant temperature... so you don't ever have to be too hot, or too cold; instead, you can always feel just right!
  3. Extreme Comfort - Some of our competitors have decided to sell base layer clothing that is designed to be as tight as possible around the wearers skin.  Some people might enjoy this skin-tight, claustrophobic feel, but with TR Apparel, we decided that a loose-fit, soft material was the better way to go.  Our clothing provides those three ground-breaking technologies discussed earlier, but it is also comfortable enough to sleep in every single night!
So don't wait another minute... buy your Thermo-Regulating Apparel today and begin to feel what it's like to be apart of the TR Revolution!  Click Here to check out our website!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Who Here Loves to go Camping?


Though it is snowing here this morning in our wonderful state of Colorado... I can feel camping season coming up right around the corner.  One thing I know about camping in this state, is that you can start off the afternoon in a t-shirt and shorts, feeling warm and comfortable in the lovely Colorado sunshine, and then finish the night with 3-layers of clothing wrapped up in 2 sleeping bags as snow begins to fall outside of your tent.  There is one solution to this common problem that we suffer as constant temperature change continues to bring us down... and that solution is... OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel.

As your feeling hot and sweaty in the afternoon, TR Apparel will help keep you cool and comfortable by absorbing and storing the heat right off of your body.  Then, as the temperature starts to drop, the clothing will  release the heat it stored previously right back to your body... thus helping to keep you warm during the miserably cold nights.

Get your Thermo-Regulating Apparel today, before the hot/cold, constantly changing weather gets the best of you on your next camping trip.

Click Here to purchase your OEL-Thermo Regulating Apparel today!