What is Thermo-Regulating Apparel?

OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel is a brand new base layer clothing that will change the clothing industry forever. The clothing contains three separate technologies that make it greater than any other piece of clothing available on the market today: Heat Management, Odor Management, and Sweat Management. Check out our website if you want learn more...

Friday, January 7, 2011

How We Hold Up Against the Competition

Structure Wear Enthusiasts,

I know that it has been a little while since we have posted on this wonderfully informative Structure Wear blog... and for that I am sincerely sorry.  I'm here to tell all of you that the blog is back and better than ever, so you all have nothing to fear.  I wanted to post a little information I found regarding base-layer clothing, because it will help show all of you doubters why Structure Wear is the real deal.  While searching the web this morning, I stumbled upon a site called BaseLayer Clothing.  As you may have already been able to deduce... they are an online company that sells strictly base-layer clothing.

I found an article on their site that describes the key benefit you receive when wearing most base-layer clothing, which is Moisture Management.  The website states that, "Moisture Management or Wicking, is a key element for this primary layer to eliminate moisture from the skin which natural fibers such as cotton, cannot achieve on their own due to high absorbency."  You can check out their description by clicking here.

I think it is great that most base-layer clothing lines provide you with Moisture Management to help keep you dry when you wear them, but here at OEL we figured we could provide you with more than just "wicking" agents.  That is why our clothing contains Heat and Odor Management technologies to work alongside our Moisture Management technologies.  Not only does our clothing contains the same "wicking" agents as our leading competitors, but it will also proactively manage your body temperature to keep you not too hot, not too cold, but just right!

Check out our website for more information!