What is Thermo-Regulating Apparel?

OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel is a brand new base layer clothing that will change the clothing industry forever. The clothing contains three separate technologies that make it greater than any other piece of clothing available on the market today: Heat Management, Odor Management, and Sweat Management. Check out our website if you want learn more...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

OEL "TR" Apparel... A Hit at UCCS

"TR" Enthusiasts,

Yesterday, I spent a little bit of time in my MKTG 3300 class (at UCCS... which is, in my opinion, the best University of Colorado) presenting OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel.  Most of the students in my class were skeptical at first.  For example, I was describing the phase change that occurs within the clothing when the wearer's body temperature increases, when one of my classmates bluntly stated, "This sounds like one of those wrist bands you see on TV infomercials."

I guess I wasn't really surprised to hear him make such a blasphemous remark, but it still made me fairly upset, so I decided that it was time for a little demonstration.  I tossed him a pair of our "TR" sample oven mittens. One mitten is just a regular cotton knitted oven mitten, while the other mitten contains Outlast technology.  I had him put both mittens on and then clench his hands into a fist.  This clenching motion created energy and started to build up heat inside of the mittens.  All of a sudden, the formerly skeptical student stated, "Woah... this glove on my right hand feels cold."  Of course, the glove on his right hand contained the Outlast material.  I then proceeded to let everyone else in my classroom try on a pair of the mittens, and at the end of the day, the conclusion was drawn that OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel is basically the coolest clothing currently available on the market.

So to all of you other college students out there, who are constant critics, and question everything that you read... you can now rest assured knowing that OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel is college tested and student approved!  As always, you can check out our website and order your own "TR" Apparel by clicking here.

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