What is Thermo-Regulating Apparel?

OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel is a brand new base layer clothing that will change the clothing industry forever. The clothing contains three separate technologies that make it greater than any other piece of clothing available on the market today: Heat Management, Odor Management, and Sweat Management. Check out our website if you want learn more...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nuggets vs. Spurs and Heated Office Conversations


As you may already know, OEL Worldwide Industries is located right in here in beautiful, sunny, occasionally freezing cold, Palmer Lake, Colorado.  Though some of us stick to our Colorado roots and enjoy watching the Denver Nuggets beat the San Antonio Spurs, there are others in this office who are very upset about the Spurs loss.  This has lead to some heated discussions between co-workers in our office, and when the discussion begins to get a little bit too heated... there is nothing better to cool us down than our OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel!

Our body temperatures began to rise as the conversation got hotter and hotter, but I think that we all felt a little better once we felt the clothing proactively change to help cool us down.  Lead salesman Asa Dyer (a loyal Spurs fan) was quoted after the heated exchange of words saying, "I'm still extremely upset that the Spurs lost last night... but my OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel helps to dull the pain by constantly working to keep me cool even when my body temperature starts to rise."  Vice President of Operations, Josh Dyer, was also quoted saying, "The Spurs should have won that game... but I can never be too upset while I'm wearing my TR Apparel, it keeps me not too hot, not too cold... but just right!"

So if you struggle with staying cool during heated conversations within the workplace... buy yourself some TR Apparel today!

Click HERE to view the purchasing page on our website!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Thermo-Regulating Revolution


Today I just wanted to spend a little bit of time reiterating all of the different things that make Thermo-Regulating Apparel a game changer in the current clothing market... Check out the list below to find out why TR Apparel is more than just new technology... it is a revolution.

  1. Heat, Odor, and Moisture Management - Some of our competitors in the clothing industry like to believe that having one of these three technologies is adequate enough for their clothing... Well, here at OEL, we decided that one just isn't enough, and that is why TR Apparel has all three!
  2. Proactive vs. Reactive - Most heat management clothing currently available in the market today is based around reactive technologies.  In other words, the effects of the clothing only can be felt after you have become too hot or too cold.  TR Apparel is designed with proactive heat management technologies, which means that the clothing is constantly working to keep your body at a more constant temperature... so you don't ever have to be too hot, or too cold; instead, you can always feel just right!
  3. Extreme Comfort - Some of our competitors have decided to sell base layer clothing that is designed to be as tight as possible around the wearers skin.  Some people might enjoy this skin-tight, claustrophobic feel, but with TR Apparel, we decided that a loose-fit, soft material was the better way to go.  Our clothing provides those three ground-breaking technologies discussed earlier, but it is also comfortable enough to sleep in every single night!
So don't wait another minute... buy your Thermo-Regulating Apparel today and begin to feel what it's like to be apart of the TR Revolution!  Click Here to check out our website!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Who Here Loves to go Camping?


Though it is snowing here this morning in our wonderful state of Colorado... I can feel camping season coming up right around the corner.  One thing I know about camping in this state, is that you can start off the afternoon in a t-shirt and shorts, feeling warm and comfortable in the lovely Colorado sunshine, and then finish the night with 3-layers of clothing wrapped up in 2 sleeping bags as snow begins to fall outside of your tent.  There is one solution to this common problem that we suffer as constant temperature change continues to bring us down... and that solution is... OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel.

As your feeling hot and sweaty in the afternoon, TR Apparel will help keep you cool and comfortable by absorbing and storing the heat right off of your body.  Then, as the temperature starts to drop, the clothing will  release the heat it stored previously right back to your body... thus helping to keep you warm during the miserably cold nights.

Get your Thermo-Regulating Apparel today, before the hot/cold, constantly changing weather gets the best of you on your next camping trip.

Click Here to purchase your OEL-Thermo Regulating Apparel today!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Morning... Denver Nuggets Win... Life is Good


How is everybody doing on this great Friday morning?  I know that I'm feeling great, do to the outcome of a certain basketball game last night.  Did anybody else see the new-look Denver Nuggets beat the talented, top of the Eastern Conference Boston Celtics?  What an incredible game... I think this is the first time that I have ever seen the Nuggets put together a completely solid defensive effort.  We definitely looked a little bit incoherent on offense at times, but for it being the team's first time playing together... I thought they played outstanding.

It is definitely true that the Celtics were a bit short-handed.  They had made a trade earlier on in the day, and two of their key players weren't able to suit up because they are now on their way to Oklahoma City... but regardless of all that, there was one more thing that seemed pretty obvious to me throughout the entire game.

Though both of those teams contain some elite level athletes, it seemed as if they were fatiguing rather easily, possibly because of the high altitude.  If those guys had just put on their OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel before the game, they would have been able to stay cooler and more comfortable out on the court... Allowing them to play harder for a longer period of time.  Thermo-Regulating Apparel can help to make that difficult transition from sea-level New York, to Rocky Mountain high Denver.  So Wilson Chandler, Danillo Gallinari, Raymond Felton, and Timofey Mozgov... feel free to give us a call.

And all you other recreational basketball superstars out there... feel free to call us as well.  Thermo-Regulating Apparel will provide you with the exact same benefits that it could provide these NBA athletes.  So if you want to dominate on the basketball court, while also staying extremely cool and comfortable, then check out the link below... and purchase your OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel today!

Click HERE to get your hands on some TR Apparel!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

OEL "TR" Apparel... A Hit at UCCS

"TR" Enthusiasts,

Yesterday, I spent a little bit of time in my MKTG 3300 class (at UCCS... which is, in my opinion, the best University of Colorado) presenting OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel.  Most of the students in my class were skeptical at first.  For example, I was describing the phase change that occurs within the clothing when the wearer's body temperature increases, when one of my classmates bluntly stated, "This sounds like one of those wrist bands you see on TV infomercials."

I guess I wasn't really surprised to hear him make such a blasphemous remark, but it still made me fairly upset, so I decided that it was time for a little demonstration.  I tossed him a pair of our "TR" sample oven mittens. One mitten is just a regular cotton knitted oven mitten, while the other mitten contains Outlast technology.  I had him put both mittens on and then clench his hands into a fist.  This clenching motion created energy and started to build up heat inside of the mittens.  All of a sudden, the formerly skeptical student stated, "Woah... this glove on my right hand feels cold."  Of course, the glove on his right hand contained the Outlast material.  I then proceeded to let everyone else in my classroom try on a pair of the mittens, and at the end of the day, the conclusion was drawn that OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel is basically the coolest clothing currently available on the market.

So to all of you other college students out there, who are constant critics, and question everything that you read... you can now rest assured knowing that OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel is college tested and student approved!  As always, you can check out our website and order your own "TR" Apparel by clicking here.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel... Available Now!

"TR" Enthusiasts,

I know that you all have been dying to get your hands on some Thermo-Regulating Apparel since its release a couple of months ago... and just so you all know, it is now easier than ever to buy!  If you go to our website today you will find that it is now possible to buy "TR" Apparel right off of the site!  I will provide a couple of links below, one that will take you to the regular "TR" website, as well as one that takes you directly to the purchasing page.  Get your OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel today; so that you can stay cool, dry, comfortable, and odor-less tomorrow!

"TR" Website

"TR" Purchasing Page

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

OEL Structure Wear is now... OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel!

Ladies and Gentleman,

We here at OEL have an important announcement to make, and if you decided to read the title before viewing the contents of this post, you may already know what I'm about to say.  OEL Structure Wear is now... OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel!!  We also have found that "TR Apparel" rolls off of the tongue quite nicely.  Why the name change you might ask?  Let me tell you why...

Most importantly, the name OEL Structure Wear did not do a good enough job of explaining what our clothing truly provides to the wearer.  As you all should already know, our clothing proactively manages your body temperature... thus, OEL Thermo-Regulating Apparel obviously does a better job of explaining that proactive body temperature management.

The second and final reason we chose to change the name of this innovative, ground-breaking, technologically proficient clothing... is that the name Structure Wear is just way too boring.  With clothing this great, we needed a name that was just as great or better... OEL T.R. Apparel definitely fit that bill.

You can check out the new "TR" logo, and feel free to comment on what you guys think about the name change. Also, you can check out the updated website here... www.tr-apparel.com.